L1N and variants

L1N Log pulse to NMEA converter, D1N single channel digital to NMEA converter and F1N Frequency to NMEA converters for VDR/S-VDR, ECDIS, INS etc.

The S-VDR standard is simplified in that it does not require interface of “non-intefacible” units! However, there are two exceptions to this, gyro and speed log. For gyro we have an efficient solution, and speed log there is the efficient and simple L1N.
It has an opto coupler input that can take alla voltages of appr 2.4 V to 120 V and it also has the possibility to supply current for relay, open collector or opto-coupler outputs via two jumpers.

The only data format setting is the NMEA jumper, which chosses VBW or VHW output string. Output driver is fully NMEA 0183/IEC 61162-1 compliant and can supply high currents to drive massive number of loads.

The D1N is based on the same hardware platform as the L1N, but is a single channel digital to NMEA converter.

The F1N is again based on the same hardware platform as the L1N, but is a single channel frequency to NMEA converter. It outputs data in the generic $IIXDR format and it outputs data at 1 Hz data rate or 2 Hz depending on jumper setting.

L1N, D1NĀ and F1N have BSH approvals.